Nashville Medical News: leveraging tech for results

Russ Graney wrote a byline for Nashville Medical News highlighting how referral management platforms like Aidin can help hospitals reduce their length of stay and improve patient experience.

Tennessee’s length of stay data

The Tennessee Hospital Association provides data to the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP), which shows a statewide average length of stay of 5.1 days. This represents a slow increase since 2006 and is 4% higher than the national length of stay average of 4.9 days. The average hospital stay cost for Tennessee is $11,389 per year, which has been steadily increasing since 2007 and adds up to over $9 billion in annual statewide hospital costs.

Reducing length of stay through technology

Over the last decade or so, numerous studies and reports identify a correlation between a patient’s positive outcome and a decreased hospital length of stay. However, hospital groups are now able to leverage technology like healthcare referral management software to enable their teams to address length of stay challenges and positively impact various other outcomes as well, such as readmission rates, patient satisfaction, staff satisfaction, and time spent managing numerous case management workflows, and their ROI.

Read the full article on the Nashville Medical News website here.